Re: TE-man

From: Tim Ikeda (
Date: Mon Oct 16 2000 - 19:26:04 EDT

  • Next message: Tim Ikeda: "Re: TE-man"

    Bjoern writes:
    > These days I read my way through some good books all
    > written by authors holding a TE viewpoint. I certainly
    > enjoy the reading, but there is one issue I just can't
    > find in these books, and that is the spirited/souled
    > man as made in God's image (God breathed his spirit
    > into the nostrils of man etc.). It is perfectly fine
    > with me that man is a product of an evolving nature,
    > but how do TE's account for man being a creature with
    > a soul/spirit? I mean, how did the soul of man evolve?
    > Can biological evolution explain that? And, if not,
    > who can?
    > I guess this question is not first time raised here,
    > but to me it is new and pressing, so even if this
    > issue was solved years ago, can somebody give me a
    > short introduction?

    I don't think that this is a scientific issue, but strictly a
    matter of religion.

    Lacking a soul-o-meter or other physical measuring devices (pace
    Moorad Alexanian), for the detection of a soul's presence & existence,
    let alone an instrument that works on archaeological samples, how
    could one know? After all, if a fully-conscious human being, a
    one-second-old fertilized human egg and a brain-dead person can all
    be supposed to possess souls (this might be up for debate), why not
    an amoeba, a dog or a chimp? If the first group of examples can have
    souls, but not the latter group, then souls have nothing to do with
    physical attributes.

    But this "problem" is not for TE's alone to address. It clearly
    plagues *all* ideas of human origin that deal with concepts of
    souls. That is to say, if creationists figure out what souls are
    and how they interact with the world, I suspect the solution could
    be adopted equally well for TE viewpoints.

    Tim Ikeda (despam address before use)

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