Re: Omphalos

From: Moorad Alexanian (
Date: Mon Oct 09 2000 - 08:41:45 EDT

  • Next message: Dick Fischer: "RE: Evolution scores vs SAT scores."

    Scientific data is collected by mechanical, electrical, etc. devices and so
    cannot be classified as illusions. If that were the case, then we are all
    interns in a mental asylum. Only man can have illusions. Of course, there
    are some who consider certain observations as the subject matter of science
    that are not. Moorad

    -----Original Message-----
    From: John Burgeson <>
    To: gordon brown <>
    Date: Friday, October 06, 2000 7:14 PM
    Subject: Re: Omphalos

    Gordon Brown gave away the trick -- at least part of it, when he wrote
    about OMPHALOS: "It cannot be refuted SCIENTIFICALLY."

    Or -- what some of us have called "Last Tuesdayism" for a number of years.

    Gordon also adds : " It simply says that we can declare
    any scientific observation to be an illusion if we want to."

    I take it just a bit differently than that, Gordon, although your thought
    has some truth in it. It is not "simply," I would assert, and
    it does not suggest that any particular scientific observation is an
    illusion -- only that, since everything came into being "suddenly"
    in a mature form, one cannot posit any history which explains those
    observations -- at least no history prior to a few 1000 years ago.

    Gosse's view might, indeed, be true; we cannot refute it. We also can
    do nothing at all to either test it --or to create research programmes
    based on it. As Gordon says, it does not fit the scientific model in the

    If one assumes it is true, there appears nothing at all one can do with
    that information.

    Gordon also suggested we could refute Gosse's thesis with an appeal
    to Scripture. The argument is a good one, but of no interest, of course,
    to people who don't take Scripture seriously. Perhaps "God" is really
    a cosmic joker? There are other possibilities of course.



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