RE: No more oil

From: Vandergraaf, Chuck (
Date: Mon Sep 25 2000 - 11:22:15 EDT

  • Next message: Vandergraaf, Chuck: "RE: No more oil"


    Yes, I do take computers into account. That's why I mentioned
    videoconferences as an alternative to visiting family, although I did have
    my tongue partially in my cheek. Certainly, as communications improve, many
    of us may be able to work out of our homes. However, building furniture and
    tilling the soil remotely using computers is a bit of a stretch. I think
    that your situation will remain in the minority.

    I just came from a 90-minute root canal session with our local dentist. Not
    something I'd like to have done by remote control. From a transportation
    point of view, the dental office is on my way to work, so transportation is
    not an issue and besides, I could have walked to the dentist's office.
    Where, IMHO, transportation is running amok, is in the never ending quest to
    shave off yet another penny off the production costs. We just upgraded a
    bunch of computers in our lab. The computers are assembled in the US, I
    believe, but the cardboard boxes came from ... the PRC! For all I know, the
    trees from which the cardboard was made may have been grown on this
    continent but somebody must have figured that, with the low fuel costs, it
    is cheaper to ship the cardboard across the Pacific at least once.
    Similarly, I've heard that cotton cloth is shipped to the Dominican Republic
    and Central American countries where it is used to make T-shirts that are
    then shipped back to the US!

    Last winter I drove from Las Vegas, NV, to Pinawa, through Flagstaff, AZ,
    Oklahoma City, and Kansas City. This spring I drove from Pinawa to the
    Pittsburgh area. On both trips I was astounded at the amount of truck
    traffic. Yes, the economy in the US and Canada is booming, but do we have
    to ship so much stuff? Besides, in addition to the fuel used to run the
    trucks, the heavy trucks don't do the road bed much good. However, the cost
    of refurbishing the Interstate system is probably not factored in the cost
    of transportation.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: []
    Sent: Monday September 25, 2000 8:54 AM
    To: Peter Vibert
    Subject: re: No more oil

    Working as I do with computers, and for an audioconferencing company, you
    aren't taking into account technology as a solution. Except for
    inability to cope with the concept, thre is no particular reason why I have
    to 'go
    to work' every day. I could stay home and save the entire cost of the
    Like the oil rig, this can't be for everybody, but it should (will) become
    the norm for
    many of us.

    "Peter Vibert" <> on 09/25/2000 09:53:49

    Sent by:

    Subject: re: No more oil

    As a native of the UK and still a frequent visitor, I think Ted Davis
    may be a little over-enthusiasitic about the "British solution."
    Despite UK planning rules, and the undoubted benefits of preserving
    green space around developments,I have watched British roads and
    highways become the most congested in Europe over the past 25 years,
    even while gas prices were climbing to their >$4/USgall levels. The
    traffic back-ups around London can be as bad as around New York...

    Peter Vibert

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