Re: Geocentricity

From: George Andrews Jr. (
Date: Fri Sep 22 2000 - 11:20:22 EDT

  • Next message: Ted Davis: "geocentricity"

    Hi Darryl;

    Darryl Maddox wrote:

    > 1)Can we establish criteria by which we can determine which parts of the
    > Bible are literally true, exactly as stated in a particular translation?
    > 2) If we can establish such criteria, what are they?
    > 3) If we can establish such criteria then either why have we not done so or
    > why is there not pretty much universal agreement about: the method by which
    > the criteria were established, what the criteria are, and which parts of
    > which translations are true?

    I think simply keeping the Bible in its contemporary context with regards to
    the prevailing world views eliminates most - if not all interpretive
    difficulties. Such world views are readily available through independent means.
    Of course this then allows for, and actually demonstrate the existence of,
    errors present in scripture. The real problem, at least as I see it, is that
    there is wide spread "bibleolatry" out here which literally takes a "if the
    Bible says it, I believe it" attitude as evidence for good faith. "For in the
    scriptures you think you have life, but it is they which speak of me" ..Jesus.

    George A.

    George A. Andrews Jr.
    Physics/Applied Science
    College of William & Mary
    Williamsburg, VA 23188

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