evolutionary creationists websites wanted

From: Wendee Holtcamp (wendee@greendzn.com)
Date: Sun Jul 30 2000 - 19:40:51 EDT

  • Next message: gordon brown: "Re: Heat Problem?"

    For my article on evolution for the Youth section of the ASA website, I would like to gather up web sites in which evolutionary creationists explain the ways that they correlate the Bible with evolutionary theory. I know that there are a number of different ways, including and excluding human evolution.

    If you know of any or have one yourself, please email me or post to the ASA list the URL and I will include it in a list of links!

    ASAP as I'd like to get this online soon! :)
    Thanks much!
         ~~ Wendee Holtcamp -- ecowriter@earthlink.net ~~
     ~~ Environment/Travel/Science Writer ~~ www.greendzn.com ~~
                  No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece
                    of the continent, a part of the main. -- John Donne

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