Re: Johnson and intelligent design

Date: Wed Jul 05 2000 - 20:49:15 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: Limits of Methodological naturalism"

    Allan Harvey wrote:
    << I make a similar point in an
    essay called "What Does 'God of the
     Gaps' Mean" which is on the Web at:
    I see,

    GG1 == God of the Gaps strategy
    GG2 == God of the Gaps theology

    and as you say in your post (and URL)....
            GG1 -----> GG2 --> embittered atheism
                 | |

    it is a kind of fly in the ointment.

    Their total failure to provide such caveats,
     whether it is through negligence or because
    of their own acceptance of GG theology,
    is encouraging large segments of the church
    in a march toward a theological cliff.

    There seems to be that "need" to have the biggest
    the baddest, the roughest, the toughest, etc.
    god on the block. The ways of God are so different
    from my ways. It seems that God doesn't need to
    have "Intel inside" pasted on every unit. Nor
    is God inclined to punish the "patient infringer"
    (abiogenesis). What matters to God is the heart.

    by Grace alone do we proceed,

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