Book reviewing

From: David Campbell (
Date: Tue Mar 28 2000 - 09:34:11 EST

  • Next message: David Campbell: "Tully monster"

    Christian Book Distributors, aka CBD, has added a review option to their
    online catalog. I tried to get to it and had the old web program crash
    (which it does frequently), so I do not know exactly how it works.
    However, it seems to be promising as a way to potentially reach the general
    public with comments about some of the books relating to scientific (or any
    other) issues.

    Here is the relevant part of the message they sent. I am not sure if the
    second address will work after going through a non-html email program
    (mine), but the first address worked with cut and paste.

    > is now offering folks the opportunity to give
    >feedback on the things they've read or the music they've listened to.
    >Come to our site and at the bottom of every product page you can
    >write a review or read what others have to say.
    >So stop by and give it a try. Whether your input is positive or not,
    >if you've got something to say, we value your thoughts and we're
    >certain others will too!
    >Thanks for coming!
    >Your Friends at Christian Book Distributors
    >Please feel free to forward this message to any of your friends
    >that you think might enjoy receiving it.
    >Attention: If you clicked on the link above and nothing happened,
    >please don't assume we have a strange sense of humor. While that
    >may be true, it doesn't extend to playing tricks on our valued
    >customers. Simply click on the friendly link below and it should work:">

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