Re: Polkinghorne books

From: Wayne Dawson (
Date: Fri Mar 17 2000 - 04:00:34 EST

  • Next message: George Murphy: "Re: Polkinghorne books"

    Preston Garrison wrote:
    > Looking around at Amazon, I notice a recent book by John
    > Polkinghorne and John Hargreaves called "A Guide to Genesis." Has
    > anyone read this or know anything about it? Also, any
    > recommendations on Polkinghorne's "Belief in God in an Age of
    > Science?"

    I don't know about his most recent book, but I would recomend
    "Belief in God in an Age of Science". Polkinghorne was a particle
    physicist before becoming a theologian, and he tends to reason
    like a physicist. For example, he tries to explain *how* miracles
    might occur. You can decide for yourself if you agree or not, but
    frankly, I would like to see more Christians who carry the badge
    of science wrestling with that very issue.

    He keeps with a sound theology, and I think, if one at least accepts
    the premise that the apostles were honest (a rare consent these days
    in some camps), he puts forward an interesting argument for accepting
    the resurrection.


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