C.S. Lewis Faculty Forum

From: Keith B Miller (kbmill@ksu.edu)
Date: Thu Mar 16 2000 - 14:43:00 EST

  • Next message: glenn morton: "Re: Dr. Charles Choi"

    C.S. Lewis Foundation Faculty Forum
    cordially invites you to the
    Southern California Faculty RoundTable
     Christian Faith and the Academic Profession

    Keynote Speakers:

    Dr. Dallas Willard
    Professor of Philosophy,
    University of Southern California
    Author of The Divine Conspiracy

    "Knowledge Without God: Can It Be Professionally Adequate?"

    Dr. James T. Como
    Professor of Rhetoric and Public Communication
    York College, City University of New York

    "Fight or Flight? Academic Being and Christian Meaning"

    Saturday, April 1, 2000
    9:00 a.m. - 5 p.m.

    Kellogg West Conference Center
    California Polytechnic University, Pomona

         The concerns of the Southern California Faculty Forum cut across political,
         theological, and disciplinary interests and orientations. The Forum
         to bring together and network faculty members of historic Christian
    faith from across the academic
    disciplines, including the visual and performing arts, from both
    mainline denominations and independent churches, from those who
    enjoy association with mainline campus chaplaincies as well as with
    other more conservative para-church campus ministries, from the
    political left and right, and from many nations.

    The Context
        Not many centuries ago, Christianity provided the essential
    intellectual and
        spiritual framework from within which the very institution of the
        was first conceived and developed. Throughout much of its history, the
        university has been greatly enriched by the varying contributions of
    scholars and artists of faith, running the gamut from Newton to
            Over the last century, however, the university has come to view
    religion as little more than an object of sociological curiosity,
    bearing little relevance to any serious contemporary inquiry into
    the nature of reality. ` Given this pervasive bias throughout much of
    the academy today, are we to think that the founders of Western
    higher education were simply naive or foolishly misguided in
    allowing their faith to play such a profound and often explicit
    role in their thinking, research, and teaching?

            Some would answer strongly in the affirmative; others are not so
    sure; still others would contend that reality simply cannot be
    comprehensively examined if the tools of analysis are restricted
    solely to those of the rational empiricism of the Enlightenment.
    Whatever the answer, we believe the subject warrants serious
    consideration as we examine the future of higher education in the 21st

            To this end, we invite you to join with other faculty for a day of
    stimulating lectures and small group discussion organized by both
    academic discipline and geographic area.

              A continental breakfast, buffet luncheon, and afternoon coffee
    will provide opportunity for refreshment and more informal interaction.

      REGISTRATION: The complete cost of this one-day conference is $45 if
    registered by March 17; $55 after March 17. Space is limited. There
    will be no on-site registration. To request registration materials or
    further information on-line, visit our web-site at www.cslewis.org

                Phone: 909-793-0949 * Fax: 909-335-3501
                    e-mail: roundtable@cslewis.org
                _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    _ _ _ _ _ _

                Please send me more information on the
                April 1, 2000 RoundTable at Kellogg West.

      Name: _________________________________________________

      Institution: _________________________________________________

          Discipline: _________________________________________________

      Address: _________________________________________________

      City: _______________________________ Zip: _____________

      Phone: ___________________ E-Mail: _______________________

            Space is limited. Please detach and return this card today!

                                    The C.S. Lewis Foundation
                                    Council of Academic Advisors

    Dr. Irving F. Ahlquist, Professor of History Emeritus, CSU Long Beach
    Dr. James R. Appleton, President, University of Redlands
    Dr. Jeremy Begbie, Cambridge University Faculty of Divinity
    Dr. James T. Como, Professor of Rhetoric and Public Communication, City
    University of New York
    Dr. Stephen T. Davis, Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies,
    Claremont McKenna College
    Dr. Kenneth G. Elzinga, Professor of Economics, University of Virginia
    Dr. Paul Ford, Professor of Systematic Theology and Liturgy, St. John's Seminary
    Dr. Lawrence Geraty, President, La Sierra University, Riverside, CA
    Dr. George Giacumakis, Professor of History, Cal State, Fullerton;
    Director, Mission Viejo Campus
    Dr. Owen Gingerich, Professor of Astronomy and of the History of Science,
    Harvard University
    Dr. Thomas Howard, Professor of English Emeritus, St. John's Seminary, Boston
    Mr. Hugh Hewitt, J.D., Professor of Law, Chapman University School of Law
    Dr. R. Wesley Hurd, Founder, McKenzie Study Center, Eugene, OR
    Dr. Christopher Isham, Professor of Theoretical Physics, Imperial College,
    London University
    Dr. David Lyle Jeffrey, Fellow, Royal Society of Canada, Professor of
    English, University of Ottawa
    Dr. Joseph A. Maciariello, Horton Professor of Business Administration,
    Claremont Graduate University
    Dr. George M. Marsden, Professor of History, University of Notre Dame
    Dr. Stephen V. Monsma, Dean of Social Science, Professor of Political
    Science, Pepperdine University
    Dr. Armand M. Nicholi, Jr. M.D., Associate Clinical Professor of
    Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
    Dr. James I. Packer, Professor of Theology, Regent College, Vancouver, B.C.
    Dr. Mary Poplin, Professor of Education, Claremonnt Graduate University
    Dr. Jon Robertson, Chair, Dept. of Music, UCLA
    Father Michael Scanlan, President, Franciscan University of Steubenville
    Dr. Eleanore Stump, Professor of Philosophy, St. Louis University
    Dr. Hendrika VandeKemp, Professor of Psychology, Fuller Graduate School of
    Dr. Paul C. Vitz, Professor of Psychology, New York University
    Dr. Dallas Willard, Professor of Philosophy, University of Southern California
    Rev. Dr. William H. Willimon, Dean of the Chapel, Duke University
    Bishop Kallistos Ware (Greek Orthodox) Professor of Theology, Pembroke
    College, Oxford University

    "The C.S. Lewis Foundation has, for over a decade, provided international
    leadership in the cause of relating Christian faith to the academic world
    with intellectual and academic integrity. Through its Summer Institutes,
    convened triennially at Oxford and Cambridge universities, and now through
    its Faculty Forum, it offers fresh insight and inspiration to Christians,
    and all scholars of faith, working within the academy.
    Stephen T. Davis,
    Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies
    Claremont McKenna College

    Keith B. Miller
    Department of Geology
    Kansas State University
    Manhattan, KS 66506

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