Re: Corrected url for roy's questionnaire and other info. :)

Allen & Diane Roy (
Wed, 22 Dec 1999 09:41:00 -0700

> And Roy - What research questions are you trying to get at? If they are
> important research questions perhaps we could get some captive classes
> to take the questionnaire.

Thanks for the input. I over looked the spell checker in my rush to get
this on-line. I need to do so. :)

Most of the questions are just as the come from the original opinion poll
done by the authors of the book I mentioned above. I found their results
to be quite interesting, though out dated, and very limited in whom was

I have added a couple questions and tried to improve the some of the
original questions. As I have been looking over the responses, I have
noticed places with ambiguity and I'll try to address those in the future.
As I said in the note at the top of the questionnaire, the original authors
had no clue about Creationism.

The reason for doing this is to try to get a better understanding of what is
believed by not only all kinds of Creationists but all who have some kind of
interest in this. It appears that there is a lot of cross talking and
misunderstanding. This poll may point out where the real similarities and
differences are.
