Fwd: Design and its critics conference

Ted Davis (TDavis@messiah.edu)
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 10:53:01 -0500

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I've been requested to help publicize the following conference, which may
interest ASAers.

Ted Davis

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From: Angus Menuge <angus.menuge@cuw.edu>
To: ddewolf@lawschool.gonzaga.edu, Kenneth_Miller@Brown.edu, mjb1@Lehigh.edu,
phrii@fsj.org, rcollins@messiah.edu, Robert.OConnor@wheaton.edu,
scott@natcenscied.org, tdavis@messiah.edu
Subject: Update on design and its critics conference
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 12:50:34 -0600
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Things are moving along well, and the current map of the conference is
below. Touchstone Magazine is starting publicity Today. While CUW will do
as much publicity as it can, I would appreciate any contacts for Journals or
publications etc. which you think would be particularly good for reaching a
wide audience.


Angus Menuge.



Date: June 22-24, 2000
Place: Concordia University

***THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 2000***

Conferees arrive late afternoon. Buffet dinner served.

OPENING DEBATE 7:00-9:00pm: Is Design a Good Idea for Science?
Stephen C. Meyer [Whitworth College/Discovery Institute]
Robert Pennock [College of New Jersey] (UNCONFIRMED)
[40 minutes per talk, discussion between speakers, and Q&A]

***FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 2000***

PLENARY SESSION 8:00-10:00am: Design in the Biological Sciences
Michael Behe [Lehigh University/Discovery Institute] (CONFIRMED)
Scott Minnich [University of Idaho] (CONFIRMED)
Ken Miller [Brown University] (CONFIRMED)
[30 minutes per talk, discussion between speakers, and Q&A]

BREAK 10:00-10:30am

PLENARY SESSION 10:30am-12:30pm: Design in the Physical Sciences
Robin Collins [Messiah College] (CONFIRMED)
Jon Jarrett [University of Illinois at Chicago] (UNCONFIRMED)
?????????? (UNCONFIRMED)
[30 minutes per talk, discussion between speakers, and Q&A]

LUNCH 12:30-1:30pm

CONCURRENT SESSIONS 1:30-2:30pm and 2:30-3:30pm

BREAK 3:30-4:00pm

PLENARY SESSION 4:00-6:00pm: Design in the Public School
Science Classroom
David DeWolf [Gonzaga University Law School] (CONFIRMED)
Warren A. Nord [UNC - Chapel Hill] (UNCONFIRMED)
Eugenie Scott [National Center for Science Education]
[30 minutes per talk, discussion between speakers, and Q&A]

CONFERENCE BANQUET 6:30-8:30pm: John Polkinghorne(UNCONFIRMED)

***SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 2000***

PLENARY SESSION 8:00-10:00am: How to Detect Design
Daniel Dennett [Tufts] (UNCONFIRMED)
Del Ratzsch [Calvin College] (UNCONFIRMED)
William Dembski [Baylor University/Discovery Institute]
[30 minutes per talk, discussion between speakers, and Q&A]

BREAK 10:00-10:30am

PLENARY SESSION 10:30am-12:30pm: Design's Philosophical Bona
Fr. Patrick Reardon [Touchstone] (CONFIRMED)
Robert O'Connor [Wheaton College] (CONFIRMED)
Michael Ruse [University of Guelph] (UNCONFIRMED)
[30 minutes per talk, discussion between speakers, and Q&A]

LUNCH 12:30-1:30pm

CONCURRENT SESSIONS 1:30-2:30pm and 2:30-3:30pm

BREAK 3:30-4:00pm

PLENARY SESSION 4:00-6:00pm: Panel Discussion--Prospects for
Paul Nelson [Discovery Institute] (CONFIRMED)
Ted Davis [Messiah College] (CONFIRMED)
William Wimsatt [University of Chicago] (UNCONFIRMED)
[10-15 minutes statement from each panelist,
discussion between panelists, and Q&A]

DINNER 6:00-7:30pm

End of Conference


Dr. Angus Menuge
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Concordia University Wisconsin
12800 N. Lake Shore Drive
Mequon WI 53097
Phone: (262) 243 4249
FAX: (262) 243-4459
email: Angus.Menuge@cuw.edu
