Re: re:bible ethics

Moorad Alexanian (
Sat, 11 Dec 1999 09:31:42 -0500

Dear Glenn,

Thanks for correcting my post. What I referring to what the group was
discussing at the time that was some of the teaching of Christ. I certainly
did not mean ALL since much was learned by Christ's birth and resurrection.



-----Original Message-----
From: glenn morton <>
To: Moorad Alexanian <>
Cc: Bjoern Moeller <>; <>; <>
Date: Friday, December 10, 1999 9:22 PM
Subject: Re: re:bible ethics

>At 09:04 AM 12/10/99 -0500, Moorad Alexanian wrote:
>>The last I remember, the Garden of Eden occurred before the birth of
>>God dwelled with Adam and Eve who learned much from that interaction. All
>>that is known about God and His laws were passed throughout the rest of
>>humanity through that early encounter. Why are we, therefore, surprised to
>>see evidence of such teachings all over the world? I don't get it!
>Hi Moorad,
>I don't think you will really hold to that position if you think about it
>abit. If all that we know of God was from the encounter in the GArden, then
>who was it that met with Moses on Sinai and carved the original tablets?
>Who was it that met with Job? Who was it that met with Jesus on the Mount
>of Transfiguration?
>Foundation, Fall and Flood
>Adam, Apes and Anthropology
>Lots of information on creation/evolution