Re: Phil Johnson's agenda

Wendee Holtcamp (
Sun, 05 Dec 1999 15:10:14 -0500

Moorad Alexanian wrote:
>The scribes knew that only God could forgive sins, did Christ, therefore,
>compromise His nature by saying to get up and walk? Certainly not! His
>purpose was to show His authority by performing a miraculous cure.
>I see the attitude of Philip Johnson somewhat the same. If I can defeat the
>argument of the philosophical evolutionist without bringing Scripture into
>the picture, then why not do so? Remember in some crowds once you bring in
>Scripture you are branded in order to weaken your case, why give the enemy
>ammunition when you do not have to do so?

I think you make a very interesting point. As a Christian, every single
thing we do should give glory to God and lead people to Jesus (even without
a word).

I guess I tend to think about our mission as followers of Christ as
different than "defeating" other viewpoints or philosophies, (or religions
or non-religions), but rather as life-givers: seed sowers bringing hope to
the despondent, love to the unloved, freedom to the prisoner (of one's own
strongholds), sight to the blind and Truth to the lost.

I have mentioned on the list before, but I think the 'parable of the weeds'
makes it clear that as Christians, it's not our duty to "pick weeds" but to
"sow seeds." If we spend our life stomping out all the weeds of incorrect
thinking like philosophical evolutionists then how will the seeds of truth
ever be sown? If we destroy the arguments of philosophical evolution in the
21st century but don't *replace* it with the Truth of God's Word, then we
have done nothing, or worse than nothing. Those people will simply turn to
another belief system that goes against God's Holy Word, and the gospel will
not have been spread.

We may think the task of gospel-spreading can be left to evangelists, but
each Christian living out their life is a witness to others whether they
realize it or not - we can either set a good example for what a Christian
should do or a bad one that makes people think Christianity is a crock if
Christians "act like that" etc etc. It's not to be saved that we obey God,
it's to give God glory that we obey God's word.

My best,
