Re: statement on creationism?

Moorad Alexanian (
Wed, 01 Dec 1999 09:51:35 -0500

Dear David,

We agree that the Bible is the moral handbook for human behavior. I think
the notion of being a fallen creature is certainly contrary to what an
evolutionist thinks. That is my major qualm with evolutionary theory. Of
course, fallen means mainly rebellion against the authority of God.
Accordingly, pride is the worst sin and not the sins of the flesh.

Take care,


-----Original Message-----
From: David Campbell <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 4:19 PM
Subject: Re: statement on creationism?

>>It is clear that anyone who uses evolutionary theory as a philosophical
>>basis for everything to that person what we call "morality" can be
>>in the mathematical sense, from the philosophical extension of
>>theory. That clearly is not humanly possible. Therefore, they make
>>assumptions that seem consistent with evolutionary theory. Such
>>are just as ad hoc as the assumptions Hitler made about the Jews, gypsies,
>Although such ideas are generally claimed to be consistent with
>evolutionary theory, they conflict with current understanding. Even the
>postulate "Morality should be based on the principle that everyone should
>promote his own evolutionary success" is a philosophical premise, not
>scientific, just as "I have a moral obligation to drop things or knock them
>down" is not derived from the laws of gravity.
>"Everyone should promote his own evolutionary success" does not provide
>much guidance. This is popular until one realizes that it applies to other
>people, too. "I can do as I please" runs into trouble when what pleases
>someone else displeases me. Instead, most purportedly evolutionary moral
>philosophies are "Everyone can do as I please". This is not in the
>evolutionary interest of most other people. Racism, for example, if
>successful, would promote the success of one group at the expense of
>another and so might work as an evolutionary strategy. However, what's
>sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, or, in this case, for the
>duck. It would work just as well for the Jews to exterminate Germans as it
>would for the Germans to exterminate Jews.
>On the other hand, if we base our morality on something better, such as the
>Bible, biological insights can still be helpful in applying the precepts.
>E.g., being fallen, we tend to pick the wrong way of doing things. Given
>the evolutionary heritage of the importance of reproduction, sexual sin is
>likely to be a particular problem.
>David C.