Re: epistemological humility
Thu, 21 Oct 1999 21:13:06 +0000

At 12:32 PM 10/21/1999 -0400, wrote:
>The scripture passages that helped to shape my thinking on "inerrancy"
>are the following:
>1. Matthew's genealogy - especially his count of the numbers of
>which fall into a numerological pattern, as stated directly in Ch. 1,
>although no
>commentary I have ever found explains why so many generations are
>not included that are listed in Luke's genealogy.

One does not have to believe that Matt listed every generation to believe
that everyone listed is actually an ancestor of Jesus and thus the bible is
accurate as far as it goes. The problem I would have is if Matt listed a
fictitious list of names,regardless of how many he named.

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