Re: Two more gaps in the fossil record

Moorad Alexanian (
Fri, 15 Oct 1999 08:45:34 -0400

Dear Glenn,

I just saw the "picture" of Archaeoraptor in the paper this morning. Glenn
this is an honest question, if you analyze all the presently existing
animals, can you find a chain of them and say that one evolved from the
other, if you were to find their fossils? Please analyze the data with no
theory in mind.



-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Friday, October 15, 1999 7:16 AM
Subject: Two more gaps in the fossil record

>A transitional fossil of a flying dinosaur has been found. The news report
>is on the AP wire. THey call this form Archaeoraptor and it lived between
>120 and 140 myr. The fossil is reported to have traits of both dinos and
>birds, including hollow bones which is a bird trait.
>Since this transitional form has been found, the YECs will now claim that
>there are two more gaps in the fossil record of transitional forms, one
>before this creature and one after. So the more transitional forms that are
>found, the more gaps the fossil record has.
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