Re: Mediterranean Flood
Thu, 07 Oct 1999 21:15:29 +0000

At 06:42 AM 10/07/1999 EDT, wrote:
>You didn't answer George's question. You described the putative selection
>process at comes after increase in brain size. Autocatalysis, however,
>refers to the internal biological process that produces variability.

I thought I did answer the question. INtelligence is in general correlated
to brain size (when considering mammals as a whole not people alone). So
the selection does not start AFTER the brain has already increased in size.
>As to your comment, Glenn, that "In primitive societies those who are
>produce more offspring"?--where are your data supporting that statement?
>know it doesn't exist. I agree that it is probably true that "Dumb people
>dumb mistakes and die." That is the reason there are more offspring of
>smarter people. It's not differential reproductive success; rather, it's
>differential mortality.

Which leads to the same thing.

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