Re: PJ and Saganism
Mon, 23 Aug 1999 22:07:06 +0000

At 01:30 PM 08/23/1999 -0600, John W. Burgeson wrote:
>Where Terry Gray, and Glenn Morton, and you (I think) and George Murphy
>part company with me is, I think, in your position that the TE position
>is the ONLY possibility and that the very idea of a God "leaving his
>fingerprints" is, somehow, a very bad idea to contemplate or give any
>credence to at all.

I would have to let the others speak for themselves but as for me I think
God leaving fingerprints is a great idea. I am being criticized constantly
for wanting evidence of the activities spoken of in the Bible. THat
evidence is evidence of God's fingerprints. However when it comes to life,
I don't think God left his fingerprints where anti-evolutionists think He
did. And I don't see anyway of detecting the progressive creationist
fingerprints either. So if I can't detect them with PC, I might as well be
an evolutionist because as near as I can see all PC does is add an
untestable assumption to evolution.

Foundation, Fall and Flood
Adam, Apes and Anthropology

Lots of information on creation/evolution