Re: St. Basil's 400AD view of the Days of proclamation
Tue, 17 Aug 1999 20:41:45 +0000

At 08:17 PM 08/17/1999 -0400, George Murphy wrote:
> Both the internal evidence (relations between Gen.1 & 2) & external
>with scientific & historical knowledge) have to be considered. The
interpretation Glenn
>is proposing is supposed to be able to address the first question - or at
least that's
>my understanding. I think you're right that it doesn't help with the
issues raised by
>external evidence.

I think it helps more with the external evidence than it does with the
internal evidence.

In my view I don't have to believe that Trees were created before the sun
which paleontology refutes. I don't have to beleive that fish and birds
were created at the same time which paleontology refutes. I don't have to
believe that trees were created before fish which paleontology refutes. I
don't have to believe that grass appeared when the waters were gathered
into seas which paleontolgoy and geology refutes. The external evidence is
MUCH better handled by this view than by any other view.

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