Review of "Three Views" book

Allan Harvey (
Tue, 27 Jul 1999 08:34:33 -0600

Since the recent book _Three Views on Creation and Evolution_ has been coming
up in our discussions the past few days, I thought I would point you to a
review I wrote on it which has very recently been posted to the Web:

I'm open (though without much free time at the moment) to discussing any
aspects; perhaps in relation to some things Craig brought up I will copy in
part of what I had to say about the "scientifically humble" YEC chapter
(written by Paul Nelson and J.M. Reynolds, rather than by more typical
representatives of the "Young-Earth" movement):

> In some ways, I like the choice of authors. It is good to see a more reasoned
> presentation that does not deny the faith of those who disagree. If all
> young-Earth creationism were like that presented here, the church would have
> less trouble on these issues, and anything that steers the movement in a
> healthier direction is welcome. But the reality is that most young-Earth
> creationism today is quite unlike this chapter. Until videos by Paul Nelson
> replace those by Ken Ham and Kent Hovind, young-Earth creationism will
> continue to be a millstone dragging down the church’s witness. My fear is
> that a pastor might see this chapter and wonder what it is that has we
> scientifically literate parishioners so concerned. Those who make decisions
> on what is taught in the church need to be aware of the character of the
> whole movement, not just one unusually sanitary corner.

| Dr. Allan H. Harvey | |
| Physical and Chemical Properties Division | "Don't blame the |
| National Institute of Standards & Technology | government for what I |
| 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80303 | say, or vice versa." |