Re: truth

Dick Fischer (
Tue, 06 Jul 1999 20:50:52 -0400

The slogan "All truth is God's truth," is untrue. There is truth that is
just out there - theistically neutral. The answer to, "Honey, did you take
out the garbage"? can be yes or no. A statement of fact. Facts can be
theistically neutral. And a statement of fact could have evil intent. ""I
saw your husband coming out of widow Brown's house last night," could be
the whole truth and nothing but the truth, but perhaps better left unsaid
depending on the circumstances. Maybe a better slogan would be: "Some
truth is God's truth," or "All God's truth is true," or "There is no truth
like God's truth."

On second thought, can the slogan.

Dick Fischer - The Origins Solution -
"The answer we should have known about 150 years ago."