Re: truth

George Murphy (
Tue, 06 Jul 1999 07:09:23 -0400

Dr. John Stahl wrote:
> 2. Do you agree with this quip as a useful principle for integrating
> science and faith? Used in a simplistic manner, it can be somewhat like
> answering any hard question in science with "because God made it that way"
> and that is not helpful. On the other hand, postmodernism has made me at
> least think harder about what I really mean by truth in science. My
> (Christian) friends in the social sciences are not too sure if they even
> like the word truth anymore when applied to their science. Truth in science
> is always tentative, I think. Maybe this slogan, "all truth is God's truth"
> rings too arrogantly.

I don't think the statement is arrogant (though it may sound that way to
atheists), but also don't think it's terribly helpful. When I've seen it or similar
statements - e.g., "there is no conflict between Christianity and genuine science" -
it's often been as a preface to saying "but your position isn't true" or "your science
isn't genuine science." Such statements can enable a person to appear more open minded
than he or she really is.

George L. Murphy