Re: Science 101

Blaine D. McArthur (
Tue, 08 Jun 1999 19:34:40 -0700

Regarding the Kirlian thread (sounds like the name of an old Star Trek
episode, doesn't it?)

Anyway, as I was saying, regarding the Kirlian thread, let me make two

First of all John, I think Bill made a point of emphasizing that he was
not talking about metaphysical "hocus pocus"; he was, I believe,
attempting to indicate that there were some kind of technical
applications of this phenomenon. (correct bill?) I do not think he was
referring to any kind of new agish "psychic aura." nonsense. Of
course, I wish he could be a bit more specific about the "technical
applications" of this, which brings me to my second comment.

Bill, just today, I happened to wander into the Talkorigins website, and
found myself on the page that teaches one "how to argue like a
creationist." One of the major complaints I found was that creationist
would frequently say something like:

"I'm not going to do your science for you... discussion is closed."
(sorry Bill)

You referred us to a book. It is not uncommon on the list to provide a
few more details, or a simple bibliography for the benefit of those of
us who do not have immediate access. True, not everyone does, and there
have been other similar squabbles of this sort just because of that.
Have you looked into this fuller Bill - IS there peer reviewed
literature on this subject?

Frankly this whole thread seems to have degenerated into a silly "did
too - did not - did too - did not ---" argument.


(oh yeah, the Tholian Web episode....)