Re: asa-digest V1 #1249

John W. Burgeson (
Fri, 4 Jun 1999 15:18:06 -0600

John Neal wrote:

"Theistic evolution allows a Christian the "convenience" of avoiding
the cross of Christ. It "relieves" him of his fears of what might
happen to him were he to actually take a righteous and recalcitrant
stand upon the very Rock of Eternity. Further more, and certainly what
is intended to be conveyed in my post, theistic evolution allows evil
itself to prosper... ."

John, I am not a TE. But what you have written above dishonors
your Christian brothers & sisters who have arrived at the TE position
with integrity and honesty. I know some of these people. None of those I
fits your description above.

Nor does a TE position "allow evil itself to prosper." That's nonsense.


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