Re: Descendants and Thomas Trap

John W Burgeson (
Mon, 30 Nov 1998 12:25:03 -0700

John wrote:

"I think that if we are to include The Church of Jesus Christ of the
Day Saints in Christendom we need open the doors to include all religions
(especially Islam and Judaism)."

I understand your POV. WRT the above, "we" don't open the doors, God

Ultimately, it boils down to how one wants to define the word

In discussing this recently with a friend, he mentioned that over in Utah

a few years ago their Presbyterian church suffered severe fire damage one
weekend. Monday morning he had a phone call from the bishop of the local
Mormon church saying "I have 30 members ready to come over and help you
clean up. When do you want them?"

One anecdote does not an argument make, I know. But "by their fruits you
will know them."



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