Migrations and Languages

Karen G. Jensen (kjensen@calweb.com)
Fri, 6 Nov 1998 09:25:24 -0600

Dear Glenn,

Thu, 05 Nov 1998 19:55:10 -0600 you wrote:
>Most of the traffic across the Bering Strait seemed to have been a one way
>traffic, especially after the sea level rose cutting the two continents off.

There were waves of migration, bringing different languages.

Do you think it's true that the Navajo people migrated from Mongolia across
and south, some of them turned east and settled in the Arizona area,
displacing the Anasazi, and the rest continued south, settling in South

I have heard that during World War II when Americans were using Navajo as a
"secret" language, some South American Indian men recognized it as closely
related to their language, and both groups remembered the account of the
separation of the two groups, one continuing south and the other turning

Any documentation on that?
