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John W Burgeson (
Mon, 19 Oct 1998 16:38:30 -0600

Glenn wrote:

"We agree that God communicates with his creation.
But what makes you limit the form of communication with the developing
creation to ONLY miraculous creation events? I think we would agree that
this is not a Scriptural mandate, so we should be free to examine other

I made no such limitation, Glenn!

"Why could God not interfere constantly in the quantum world, causing the
correct mutation thus mimicking the functional integrity view?"

He could, of course. And Van Till may, indeed, be right! I just don't
happen to think so, that's all.

"Why could God not have designed life's developmental pathways into the
fabric of the phase spaces of biopolymers and the environment of the
and then let it follow His predestined (but difficult to detect) pathway
which then would be a complete functionally integegral system? This would
be a communication that would last for the life of the universe. It
mean that God didn't communicate to nature at all."

Again, I don't disagree. I just think that that is not the answer. He did
not "design" the wine event at Cana into the "fabric of the phase
spaces," (whatever that might be. Nor did he "design" the specific
actions I took as a result of at least one communication I've had from
Him. Those actions were mine -- in response (I could have said "no" to
the command I (and my wife) got that day.)

"I guess what I don't see is the reason for the limitation upon God."

I don't see that I am proposing any kind of limitation at all. So I don't
see any search for a "reason."


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