Re: Evolution is alive and well

George Murphy (
Fri, 09 Oct 1998 08:05:41 -0400

Glenn R. Morton wrote:
> >In a message dated 10/7/98 Terry Gray wrote:
> >
> ><<I've been amazed over the past few years when I've heard people prophecy
> >about the immenent demise of evolutionary theory as a credible scientific
> >theory. My own assessment is that evolutionary theory is alive and well
> >and in better shape than ever. How we can possibly come to such different
> >viewpoints is one of those mysteries of human intercourse..
> I agree with Terry that the common (and long standing) claim by
> anti-evolutionists that evolution is about to go belly up is wrong.
> Christians have been self-deluding themselves about this for a long time.

Glenn's phrase "self-deluding" is a simple & I think correct answer to Terry's
question. Christian anti-evolutionists want so badly for evolution to be false, a
desire generally formed before any scientific evidence is considered, that they will
seize upon any discrepancy or unsolved problem as a sign of _The Twilight of Evolution_.
& of course there are _some_ discrepancies & problems because both theory & observation
are still in process. While scientific evidence should not be ignored in discussions
with such folk, the most basic need is honest discussion of theological presuppositions.
For if someone's religious beliefs precludes the possibility that evolution _might_ be
true, scientific evidence will always be interpreted consistently with that view.

George L. Murphy