PBS "Faith and Reason" Web Site

Keith B Miller (kbmill@ksu.edu)
Mon, 14 Sep 1998 18:58:35 -0600

>Meta 159. 9/11/98. Approximately 69 lines.
>Below is a message from Adrian Wyard of the Counterbalance Foundation
>announcing a new web-site developed for PBS TV production of "Faith and
>Reason." The documentary airs nationally starting today. Local times will
>vary (for instance, it is not airing in Philadelphia until Sunday,
>September 20, 16:00 EST.) See Meta 153 for more information.
> The "Faith and Reason" web-site is now online all of the time and includes
>lots of supplemental resources and interactive opportunities for viewers,
>students, and the general public. The site was developed by the
>Counterbalance Foundation in conjunction with CTNS, Margaret Wertheim, and
>PBS. Congratulations on creating this content rich and technologically
>advanced resource for science and religion dialogue. Read on below or go
>directly to <http://www.pbs.org/faithandreason/>. New resources have also
>been added to the Counterbalance site <http://www.counterbalance.org> and
>the CTNS site <http://www.ctns.org>.
>-- Billy Grassie
>From: "Adrian Wyard" <adrianw@counterbalance.org>
>Subject: Faith and Reason Web Site Online
>We are pleased to announce the availability of the web-site to accompany
>the PBS TV production 'Faith and Reason', which airs nationally beginning
>today (Friday). Accessed via the PBS home page <http://www.pbs.org> or
>directly at <http://www.pbs.org/faithandreason>, this web resource includes
>a wealth of information to supplement the topics covered in the one-hour
>program. The main features are; full interview transcripts, biographies and
>audio clips of the participants, and a complete set of introductory
>articles on science and religion, written by the program's host, Margaret
>Wertheim. This site was developed in conjunction with New River Media and
>PBS Online.
>Today we are also announcing the availability of intermediate-level science
>and religion online materials, developed in conjunction with the Center for
>Theology and the Natural Sciences. Accessible from the
><http://www.counterbalance.org> and <http://www.ctns.org> web-sites, this
>joint venture includes articles on the following topic areas:
> Physics and Cosmology (By Dr. Robert Russell)
> Genetics (Dr. Ted Peters)
> Neuroscience (Dr. Nancey Murphy)
> Evolution (Dr. Francisco Ayala)
> History (Dr. Ron Numbers)
>This is the first milestone in an ongoing project to bring introductory and
>intermediate-level materials on science and religion to the web in
>interactive form.
>Each of the topics have been extensively 'hyperlinked' to the other topics
>and media in the system. By following these links, each visitor can weave
>their own preferred path through the materials. Additionally, scientific,
>philosophical, and theological phrases have been linked to a glossary, so
>help on technical terms is available as needed.
>The CTNS-Counterbalance project also includes the introductory topics and
>other features of the 'Faith and Reason' site. Similarly, the Faith and
>Reason site, while being designed around the introductory-level topics,
>also has links to the more advanced materials. We hope that by providing
>access to science and religion materials in these various forms, a broad
>spectrum of people will find the subject matter engaging and enriching.
>For more information contact:
>Adrian Wyard,
>Counterbalance Foundation
>Richard O. Randolph
>Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences
>The CTNS-Counterbalance web project has been designed to be easily
>referenced at other web-sites. To link to the main information page, use
>the following address: 'http://www.counterbalance.org/srinfo'.

Keith B. Miller
Department of Geology
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506