Question for John McKiness

Jonathan Clarke (
Sat, 27 Jun 1998 11:01:22 +1000

Hi all

I am a new subscriber that have read the archives for over 12 months.
Professionally I am a geologist with 17 years experience, mainly in mineral
exploration and mining. I have particular interest in sedimentology (especially
carbonates), marine geology, regolith studies, and ore petrology. Currently I am
a research associate in the geology department of the university of Melbourne.
As a Christian I am a elder in a brethren church and have lectured tertiary level
course on science and Christian belief. I am particularly interested in issues
of God's governance, the history of interaction between science and theology, and
how Christians have responded to extra-Biblical data, especially in the exegesis
of Genesis. I also interested in the stewardship of creation.

I have some questions for John McKiness who wrote (in part) on The, 25 Jun 1998
22:28:43 -0500

> I ..... stress the impossibility (and wrongness of attempting) of concord, or
> reconciliation, between Christian faith and science (or culture). (For my
> Reformed friends at Calvin College, I even believe it is impossible to reform
> science (or culture) and unChristian to try; it is only possible to share the
> Word and pray that the Holy Spirit will continue the work of saving the
> individuals round us. Cultural things are a lost cause to me.)

As a "trained geologist/paleo-type, anthropologist, and historian" how then you
do you see the practice of your profession from a Christian perspective? What
can you, as a Christian, contribute to the scientific enterprise? What can you
as a scientist contribute to our faith? If "cultural things" are a lost cause,
why practice as a scientist (or anything else for that matter) at all?

I am most interested in you response and that of other subscribers in this area.


Jonathan Clarke