Re: Fwd: Pigliucci responds to Miller

Keith B Miller (
Tue, 31 Mar 1998 21:16:44 -0600

Oops! I sent off my last post without proofing it, and left the following
statement incomplete. My apologies.

>Only if you make a priori assumptions about the character of God.
>Scripture is quite transparant in revealing the "messiness" of human
>history. God is also described as feeding the eagle and the lion, He is
>proclaimed to be active in the rather "messy processes" of nature as well.
>Most significantly, scripture claims that God took upon himself creation
>and lived a short persecuted life ending with an agonizing death on a
>cross. As George Murphy has repeatedly emphasized on this listserve, the
>cross of Christ is the real

The last sentence should read: "As George Murphy has repeatedly emphasized
on this listserve, the cross of Christ is the real stumbling block to
faith. In it we see most clearly God's willingness to remain hidden."


Keith B. Miller
Department of Geology
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506