Re: Methodological Naturalism

Paul A. Nelson (
Thu, 26 Mar 1998 11:55:58 -0600 (CST)

Steve Schimmrich wrote:

>Maybe I'm slow but I just have difficulty seeing how one can DO
>science without utilizing MN.

Well, Steve, let's start with the following:

1. The origin of your last post to this list, which is a real
pattern in magnetic media. Please explain how this pattern
came to be, using only physical or chemical regularities.

2. The origin of the computer on which you will write and post
your answer. Please explain how this object came to be,
using only physical or chemical regularities.

3. The origin of Steve Schimmrich. Please explain how this
organism came to be, using only physical or chemical

You claim:

>MN is used because it works.

OK, you're on. Let's see the MN explanation for the origin of
(1). Of (1), (2), and (3), that's by far the simplest entity.
Should be a piece of cake.

Paul Nelson