Re: Better places than to start.

Arthur V. Chadwick (
Wed, 28 Jan 1998 17:10:42 -0800

At 02:39 PM 1/28/98 -0500, Steve wrote:

> Can anyone who dislikes these archives (James, Allen, Art) provide me with
>some specific examples of unfairness or bias in any of the FAQs? I won't say
>you're wrong, since I haven't read them all, but I haven't really seen it.

Obviously all articles posted there are biased (if not they would not be
posted there). As to fairness, it is fair to its reason for existing, but
it is by no stretch an effort by fair minded individuals to arrive at
truth, as you well know, and have attested yourself. Of course there are
fair-minded, but I would judge, misguided individuals who do post stuff
there occasionally. This is not the rule though. Much of their archival
materials are directed against YEC's, and others with obvious vengeance.