C.S.Lewis Conference

Keith B Miller (kbmill@ksu.edu)
Sun, 25 Jan 1998 15:27:29 -0600

Announcement for those of you who do not know:

"Oxbridge '98" the international centennial celebration of the birth of
C.S.Lewis will be held the two weeks from July 19-August 1, 1998.

The first week will convene in Oxford at the Sheldonian, Oxford's historic
lecture hall designed by Christopher Wren. The life and legacy of
C.S.Lewis provides the focal point for the first part of the week followed
by consideration of the relevance of christian faith to comtemporary

The second week will be at Cambridge and will focus on a Christian vision
for the 21st century. The faculty will consider the literature and
apologetics of Lewis, as well as the broader realms of politics, the arts,
and higher education.

The conference faculty include: Jeremie Beghie, Michael Cassidy, Chuck
Colson, Tony Campolo, Samuel Escobar, Paul Ford, Paul Gooch, Nigel Goodwin,
Douglas Gresham, Os Guinness, Walter Hooper, Thomas Howard, Tom Key, Peter
Kreeft, Madeleine L'Engle, May Jo Leddy, George Marsden, Stanley Mattson,
Richard John Neuhaus, Lesslie Newbigin, James I. Packer, Earl Palmer, Ben
Patterson, Barbara Reynolds, Luci Shaw, Kallistos Ware, Francis Warner,
Dallas Willard, and Philip Yancey.

For information e-mail cslewisfoundation@juno.com or visit their Web site
at http://www.cslewis.org

The mailing address is C.S.Lewis Foundation, P.O. Box 8008, Redlands, CA 92375.

Keith B. Miller
Department of Geology
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506