Re: Why ICR "wins"

Steven Schimmrich (
Tue, 20 Jan 1998 15:32:20 -0500

At 12:58 PM 1/20/98 -0500, Ted Davis wrote:

>So, if we in ASA are to have comparable influence, we need to find ways to
>do (1) without doing (2), (3) and (4). Any suggestions?

One major problem is that many Christians who adhere to a YEC view only
see evolution espoused by agnostic/atheistic science popularizers and tend
to identify non-literal
interpretations of Genesis with liberal theologians who also doubt many of
the fundamentals of the faith (e.g. the literal resurrection of Christ).
They therefore identify evolution with an ungodly view of the world (which
it is often associated with (e.g. books and
articles by people like Dr. Richard Dawkins).

We need to let people know that there are
Evangelical/Conservative/whatever Christians who hold to the faith and yet
practice science and reject the YEC view of the world. That's not easy to
do. I personally volunteered, for example, to give a free talk at a
nondenominational church in Urbana Illinois on science and Christianity and
they weren't interested even though they allowed a YEC to present his
material and do some fund-raising (although a reformed church took me up on
it). Many churches simply do not want to hear the other side of the YEC
position, even from a brother in Christ.

Those of us in science who are Christians, especially Christians from
traditions that are especially receptive to YEC teachings, need to get out
there and try to speak at local churches, write articles for laymen, and
let our brothers and sisters know that you can be a real scientist and a
believing, practicing Christian.

- Steve.

--      Steven H. Schimmrich             KB9LCG      Department of Physical Sciences               Kutztown University      217 Grim Science Building, Kutztown, PA 19530      (610) 683-4437     Fides quaerens intellectum