Question from out there

American Scientific Affiliation (
Sat, 17 Jan 1998 16:25:26 -0500 (EST)

Dear ASA Listserv,

Here is something to chew on. My theological background is not strong
enough to attempt answers here but perhaps some of you are better able.
Thanks for your help.

Don Munro

>Dear Sirs:

>Could you tell me where I could find a logical proof on the subject of
>one God vs. many "Gods", that there is or ever could be only ONE
>God. I already know many proofs for the existence of God, but how do I
>show that logically there could only be ONE God, not many? Please give
>me website addresses, book titles, or e-mail me the info directly. I am
>an aspiring Christian apologist. Thanks. My e-mail address is


>Ben Emerson
>Get Your Private, Free Email at

Donald W. Munro, Ph.D.
Executive Director, ASA
P. O. Box 668
Ipswich, MA 01938
(978) 356-5656