Re: Helping the ID tree grow.

George Murphy (
Sun, 04 Jan 1998 22:08:15 -0500

James Mahaffy wrote:
> Folks,
> Perhaps it is time to help get the best possible ID tree
> planted. The tree is growing and will continue to grow whether
> we like it or not, and this tree is apt to be the plant that is
> looked at as representing the evangelical community.

I realize that it's probably futile, but I must protest that
this "tree" is in no sense representative of me! & if the
botanical metaphor must be used, I think ID is best represented as some
parasite like Spanish Moss which will do serious damage to - if it
doesn't kill - the real tree of serious science-theology dialogue among
Evangelicals. The main thing that Johnson _et al_ have accomplished is
to give conservative Christians an excuse to avoid genuine theological
engagement with biological evolution.
That does _not_ mean the end of worthwhile science-theology
dialogue, which will continue with other theologians and scientists.
But the ASA may become a backwater of such dialogue.

George L. Murphy