Re: Wait -- please clarify one more...

Moorad Alexanian (alexanian@UNCWIL.EDU)
Thu, 11 Dec 1997 12:43:55 -0500 (EST)

At 10:47 AM 12/11/97 -0400, Paul Arveson wrote:
>On 9 Dec. Moorad Alexanian wrote:
>>Christ could have put down man very easily by saying that man evolved from
>>>lower forms of animals. But He did not. Why?
>Christ could have made a clear statement about the Trinity, and thereby
>prevented the confusion in the early Church over this doctrine.
>Christ could have clarified whether the Spirit proceeds from the Father
>only, or from the Father and the Son, and thereby prevented the split of
>the Church into east and west.
>Christ could have clarified the appropriateness of infant baptism, and
>thereby prevented the splitting of the protestants into Reformed and
>Anabaptist warring factions.
>Christ could have clarified the meaning of 'this is my body' and thereby
>prevented the splitting of the Lutherans from the other Reformed churches.
>Paul could have clarified the value of the charismatic gifts. John could
>have clarified the sequence of events around the Millenium. We could go on
>and on, indefinitely. And these are all topics that are directly pertinent
>to the Church, whose unity Christ prayed about fervently. We haven't even
>mentioned all the other less urgent topics, such as the 'origins' questions
>that preoccupy many here.
>But when would you have enough clarifications?
>"There are also many other things which Jesus did; were every one of them
>to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books
>that would be written." John 21:25.

Dear Paul,

Christ claimed to be GOD HIMSELF, THE CREATOR OF EVERYTHING. There was
nothing else He could have added to such claims. You are mentioning
concepts that are interesting to those who want to create denominations by
emphasizing secondary and even tertiary issues. At times I think the
existence of denominations is the curse which comes directly from Satan. But
He did mention Adam and Eve and did not revise anything writing in the OT
regarding the issue of origins.

Take care,
