Re: textbooks

William W. Cobern (
Tue, 09 Dec 1997 16:03:08 -0700

FYI, the Foster citations are:

Foster, M. B. (1934). The Christian doctrine of creation and the rise of
modern science. Mind, XLIII, 446-468.

Foster, M. B. (1935). Christian theology and modern science of nature (I.).
Mind, XLIV(176), 439-466.

Foster, M. B. (1936). Christian theology and modern science of nature (II.).
Mind, XLV(177), 1-27.

At 03:57 PM 12/5/97 -0700, you wrote:

> I also see a quote in a talk I gave once that A. R. Peacocke in
>Creation and the World of Science wrote, "since the seminal article of
>Foster in 1934 there has been a strong case for the proposition that the
>Judeo-Christian doctrine of creation was of major significance in providing a
>philosophy of nature validating an empirical science." However, I've never
>tried to track down Foster's article.
> Don Page


William W. Cobern, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Science Education

Education and Professional Development
Western Michigan University
2112 Sangren Hall
Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5192

Voice: +616.387.2255
FAX: +616.387.2882

(Scientific Literacy and Cultural Studies Project)