Re: Fall of evolved man

Glenn Morton (
Thu, 06 Nov 1997 05:35:39 -0600

At 12:43 AM 11/6/97 -0600, Karen G. Jensen wrote:
>Hi Glenn,
>Thank you for the gene lesson (I am a biologist, and I did know, but
>appreciate your care in giving background -- sign of a good teacher.)

And sometimes it is a sign of a bore. :-)

>Wed, 05 Nov 1997 22:04:01 -0600 you wrote
>>To find the same pseudogene at the same site in the genomes of apes and man
>>without evolution, means that God went to a lot of trouble to put something
>>into the genomes of these animals which makes it look like evolution
>>occurred. This smacks of Divine deception to me, like God creating the world
>>with an appearance of age. If we can't trust God when it comes to the
>>natural world, i.e. He creates purposely misleading data, how can we trust
>>Him when it comes to salvation?
>Let God be true, and every man a liar. Romans 3:4

Absolutely. And I might add that we should not tie false hypotheses to God's


Foundation, Fall and Flood