Re: Praclaux Crater and the global flood (fwd)

Glenn Morton (
Wed, 05 Nov 1997 22:03:52 -0600

Hi Art,

At 11:24 AM 11/5/97 -0800, Arthur V. Chadwick wrote:
>At 11:10 PM 11/4/97 -0600, Glenn wrote:
>>Give each layer 1 day for recolonization of burrowers the
>>deposit would require 41 years. Haymond bed 1300 m thick entire
>>column 5000 m thick. Deposit by Noah flood 1300/5000*326=95 days
>>this means 157 couplets / day. with burrows.
>>I don't think you can re-colonize in one day. Allen, how do you explain
>>this? And I can get you more.
>Burrowing organisms will recolonize as fast as necessary to prevent
>suffocation. If sediment load is high, the burrowers will burrow fast..
>Defining recolonization as opposed to escape burrows is subjective, and
>would be somewhat defined by the nature (but not necessarily by the amount)
>of burrowing. In other words, I do not view the argument as compelling in
>the sense that you intend it to be. A continuous sediment load would
>require continuous burrowing by the infauna.

We know that the burrows were filled in from the sand above them. Thus the
burrow was open when the sand was deposited on top of the shale. Surely
some of the animals would be killed, leaving fewer animals to recolonize.
Yet we find burrows as numerous at the top as at the bottom.

Remember that the Haymond formation was being deposited at a rate of 1300
feet/95 days=13.6 feet per day. There were also 157 layers with burrows
deposited every day.(15000 layers with burrows/95 days) What this means is
that these animals would have to dig 157 burrows per day only to have them
filled with sand and then recolonize. At 157 burrows per day the animal had
to dig a new burrow every ten minutes. When did he eat?


Foundation, Fall and Flood