Re: smallest brain and fossil man

Glenn Morton (
Mon, 13 Oct 1997 05:56:56 -0500

Hi Phillippa

You wrote:
>>But brainsize is not important for the definition of humanity
>>he knew of a normally intelligent Australian aborigine woman with >a brain
>size of 750 cc. There has been one normally intelligent >human, alive in
this >century, having a 650 cc brain
>What's more both evolutionists, anti-evolutionsists and unfortunately you
>yourself, Glenn, would appear to fall into the trap of equating
'intelligence' >(whatever that is and whatever 'normal' intelligence is)
with 'humanity' (again >this term needs to be defined).

Your argument is logically flawed. Arguing that "brainsize is not a
definition of humanity" does not equate to "normal intelligence DOES defines

Go back through the archives both here and at the evolution reflector and
you will find me constantly calling my wife's small-brained, seriously
retarded 60 year old uncle human. Intelligence most certainly doesn't define
humanity and neither does brain size.


Foundation, Fall and Flood