Re: pollen test of Flood geology

Arthur V. Chadwick (
Mon, 15 Sep 1997 10:10:14 -0700

At 09:30 PM 9/11/97 -0500, Glenn wrote:
bably more widespread than any other rock layer.
>I could go on and on, The point is that it is impossible to conceive of each
>of these beds, say the devonian shales having numerous sources during a
>flood. But one can't hardly have a world wide source which yields dolomite
>during one period of the global flood then black shales, then crinoids, then
>cyclical deposits of the Pennsylvanian, then the Permo-Triassic redbeds

I would say it is difficult, not impossible, to conceive of, since there
are lots of things I haven't conceived of yet that are possible. Since (I
believe) it happened, clearly there must be some way of effecting it. To
write it off as a possibility because you or I cannot conceive of some
mechanism for effecting it (and at least I have some ideas that I am
currently testing) is premature and perhaps a little chauvanistic,
