Re: a simple test of Flood geology

John P. McKiness (
Fri, 5 Sep 1997 23:19:57 -0500

At 11:18 PM 9/3/97 -0700, Allen wrote:
>On Wed, 3 Sep 1997, Paul Arveson wrote:
>> Under the
>> creationist Flood hypothesis, all of the pre-existing species were alive at
>> the same time. Therefore the soil, air and water could contain any pollen
>> from anywhere, with a finite probability. Once these are mixed, there is
>> nothing that a flood, or any series of floods could do to separate them.
>> The resulting geologic column would show a more or less continuous mixture
>> of all species.
>It depends upon ones concept of the Flood. As I stated before, if one
>conceives of the Flood as a monumental, homogenous mess then it would be
>hard to find a means by which apparent sorting would occure. On the
>other had a catastrophe composed of thousands of events it may be
>possible to get pollens captured and deposited in apparent organization.
>Allen Roy
>Grand Canyon Creationary Geology Tours, see:


Sorry but you are grasping at straws, it would take a divine miracle to
statify palynomorphs they way we see them stratified them in the geological
record. And if you are going to fall back on miracles, lets skip out of
scientific explainations and accept by faith that a Noah's flood happened
even though we do not have the evidence.
