Re: Harper Collins Study Bible

Murphy (
Sun, 31 Aug 1997 13:04:52 -0400

Daniel Criswell wrote:
> If the professor told you that the "Harper Collins Study Bible" is not
> the inspired word of God, what more is there to say?
> What good is the book, and what good is the class, and what good is the
> professor who would teach from such a thing.

Come on! I certainly disagree with the prof - but wasn't this
for a "Bible as Literature" type of course? Certainly one can teach
Gilgamesh, The Iliad, or The Divine Comedy - or for that matter, the
Qu'ran - & think that they're worth knowing without believing them to be
the inspired word of God.
In arguing that the Bible should not be excluded from public
schools, we sometimes make the point that one can't understand our
culture without it. But if it can only be taught as the inspired Word
of God, then those who oppose its use are on strong grounds in arguing
for its exclusion.
And - the Bible can effectively communicate the gospel even in
such a secular setting, & even if the person teaching the course doesn't
recognize its authority.

George L. Murphy