Bookstores in the Twin Cities

Inge Frette (
Wed, 25 Jun 1997 08:53:48 +0200

Hello everyone,

I am coming over to US for a holiday this summer,
and will spend some days in Minneapolis.
Is there anyone on this listserver living in
Minneapolis or are well known in the city?

I am interested in whether there are any good
christian and/or academic book stores there
(or in St.Paul).

Thus if someone could give me name (and adress)
it would be nice.

I am especially intersted in a bookstore which
sells InterVarsity books.

Thanks in advance.

Inge Frette

Olav Inge Frette Schlumberger Geco-Prakla
Voice : (+47) 6678 8061 (direct) Communication Systems
: (+47) 6678 8000 (switchboard) Schlumberger House
Fax : (+47) 6678 8500 Solbraaveien 23
mailto: N-1370 Asker, NORWAY