How do Christians in Science avoid being marginilized by PJ?

Joel Cannon (
Thu, 20 Mar 1997 08:48:03 -0600 (CST)

Peter Vibert wrote in part:

> I don't believe all this rhetoric falls within the bounds of getting
> scientists to think about their presuppositions. Rather it has degenerated
> into name-calling and conspiracy theorizing, and the target audience is now
> the 'general Christian public'. The game plan now appears to be that of
> marginalizing those who do not agree with Phil's approach (whether they
> question his theology or his grasp of biology).

Unfortunately, outside of this listserv and isolated communities of
intellectuals, Johnson seems to have been very successful at
marginalizing those of us who disagree with either his theology or his
biology. Ironically, Johnson spoke at the NTSC of a "culture war" of
"ad hominem arguments" that had prevented discussion of theistic
science in the academy while using precisely the same strategy to
attack opponents within the Christian community.

The important question is how can we collectively and constructively
raise our voices to say that many Christians with far better
scientific qualifications than Phillip Johnson feel that he is
misleading the Christian community. In particular, how are we to
respond to things such as the upcoming Christianity Today issue that
has appears to have been orchestrated by Johnson (that is my
impression anyway)?

We need more than articles in "Perspecives".

Joel W. Cannon
Dept. of Physics
Centenary College of Louisiana
P. O. Box 41188
Shreveport, LA 71134-1188

(318)869-5026 FAX