Paul Arveson (
Wed, 12 Mar 97 09:54:34 EST

Dear Joe:

Thanks for keeping us tuned in to your concerns on the ASA listserv.
I believe that the NRC and the whole nuclear energy industry is
approaching a lot of urgent problems right now, a crossroads in which
major decisions affecting the country will have to be made.

One of the things I have been wanting to do is to hold a local ASA
meeting here in Rockville, MD at the NRC headquarters, where I know
several Christian engineers. They hold weekly Bible studies and
prayer meetings, as indeed they should. Anyway, I would like to
gather them together for a meeting and ask them some of the pressing
questions, and get their expert views. Then I would like to
publish their views in an ASA Perspectives article, or in CT or elsewhere.
I think the church needs to become more aware of these issues. They
are perhaps more immediately serious than issues like cloning.

(If anyone out there has suggested questions or topics for
discussion re. the NRC's mission, please send them along).


Paul Arveson, Research Physicist Code 724, Signatures Directorate, NSWC
9500 MacArthur Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20817-5700
(301) 227-3831 (W) (301) 227-4511 (FAX) (301) 816-9459 (H)