Re: Johnson's assumptions

Keith B Miller (
Wed, 29 Jan 1997 20:25:48 -0600 (CST)

Paul posted:

>1. EVEN IF we do not observe any evidence of gaps in the record of natural
>history, God could still be completely sovereign over its outcomes.
>2. EVEN IF there were no evidence of 'intelligent design' in the universe
>(whatever that may mean), God could still be completely sovereign over
>3. EVEN IF there were no 'stochastic processes' of quantum mechanics,
>God could still be completely sovereign over its outcomes.
>4. EVEN IF we discover that the Big Bang was not a singularity at the
>beginning, God could still be the sovereign Creator of all things.
>5. EVEN IF people who believe in God are not rewarded in this life, even
>though he slay me, yet will I trust Him.
> The point is that God doesn't need any kind of mechanical causes or
>explanations to work in history. God is simply -- by both transcendence
>and immanence -- sovereign over natural and human history and its outcomes.
>This is by virtue of God's eternal decree and providence. This is a
>'mystery' of the faith -- John 3:8.

I would like to give my hearty "Amen" to the above statement. We need not
_ever_ feel that God's sovereignty or providence is threatened by a
mechanistic or "naturalistic" explanation.


Keith B. Miller
Department of Geology
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506