Van Till video

Paul Arveson (
Fri, 29 Nov 96 17:49:50 EST

I made a video tape of Dr. Howard Van Till's Templeton/ASA lecture at Messiah
College, Nov. 12, 1996, entitled:

"Is Evolutionary Continuity a Heresy?"

Van Till made two basic points, as follows:

1. "The modern special creationist picture of God's creative work as a
series of 'divine miraculous interventions' in the course of time does not
comport with the biblically-informed vision of early Christian scholars like
Basil and Augustine. Hence, the rhetoric that treats special creationism as if
it were an unchangeable 'deliverance of the faith' fails to hold true, and this
needs to be more widely known both in and outside of the Christian community."

2. "The fundamental presupposition of the macroevolutionary paradigm --
that the formational economy of the biological world is characterized by a
wholeness that is not broken by gaps or deficiencies -- ought not to be treated
as if it were the adversary of the Christian doctrine of creation. Instead,
it should be perceived as a vision that is wholly consistent with the historic
doctrine of Creation's functional integrity. Hence, the rhetoric that treats
all evolutionary scenarios as if they were inherently anti-Christian fails to
hold true, and this needs to be more widely known both in and outside of the
Christian community."

The video is a simple non-illustrated lecture format, but if you would like
a copy, please let me know. I suspect that copies will run about $20, but I
don't know exactly.

Paul Arveson, Research Physicist
Code 724, NSWC, Bethesda, MD 20817-5700
(301) 227-3831 (W) (301) 227-1914 (FAX) (301) 816-9459 (H)